Recently My blog is watched by American people. Thanks a lot.
But I can't find reasons why watch my blog.
Because,my blog was written by Japanese.
So,I want to try discovering.
1 Music?
I wrote about Japanese music before.is this it?
It is so difficult to find out Japanese good music.
2 Kite?
If you wanted to watch that,you should go "g◯ g◯ anime”and search it there.
you can.
Basically my blog is not interesting.
BBBBBBut,You are rare person.I want to tell a useful information.
1 Sight seeing.
1-1 When
This season is very comfortable.I recommend March and July,September to November.June is called "Tsuyu" unpleasant in Japan.
1-2 Where
1-2-1 Shopping
Tokyo Osaka Yokohama(Kanagawa)
1-2-2 History
Kyoto Gihu Both little bit expensive.
1-2-3 My favorite
Takachiho(高千穂),Shirakawa suigen(白川水源),Beppu spa(別府温泉).
All part of Kyushu.
In Nagano.
But most exiting city is tokyo.maybe.I've not been to there.
2 W eed in Japan
98% you can't.
However,If you went to small island and met foreigner,may get 2%.
Or You catch like hippie,and ask them.
I'm not sure.Please your own responsible.
Because illegal plants.
3 Shops
Japanese people are not interested in good music.
So.you can get rare CD or Vinyl.
If you don care about language,you can get many books in Tokyo.
4 Stay place.
Japanese security is maybe good.If you chose camp,there are camp place.
Almost Japanese Hotel is Expensive.
But,you are two person,There is a way what chose "Love Hotel"
"Love Hotel" are places where play s◯x.
But now,They open to other way.
Those are cheaper than Hotels.
It much 6000yen-12000(two person)
problem is that finding and reservation.
Especially,Almost "love hotel" don't accept reservation.
If you try it,you should google "ラブホテル"
Famous place-name :English to Japanese.
Tokyo"東京" Osaka”大阪” Kyoto”京都” Nagoya”名古屋” Hokkaido”北海道" Okinawa”沖縄"
Kobe"神戸” Fukuoka”福岡" Hiroshima”広島" Nagano”長野"
Gifu Shirakawa-gou”岐阜 白川郷"(Gassho style house)
Kumamoto Aso"熊本 阿蘇山"(Mt.Aso)
Nara Horyuji,Toudaiji”奈良 法隆寺、東大寺”(Temples)
I'm tired.
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